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This function returns the average exchange rates of the operations conducted by the banks and exchange operators in the Dominican Republic based on the specified frequency.


get_tc_spot(frecuencia = "mensual", average_or_fp = "average")



A character string that specifies the frequency of the exchange rates to be downloaded. Valid options are "diaria", "mensual", "trimestral", or "anual".


A character string that specifies if the average or the value for the last day of the period is desired. valid options are "average" and "fp"


A data frame with columns: compra: for the buying rates venta: selling rates


get_tc_spot("mensual", "average")
#> # A tibble: 470 × 5
#>    fecha       year   mes compra venta
#>    <date>     <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 1985-01-01  1985     1   3.26  3.28
#>  2 1985-02-01  1985     2   3.26  3.28
#>  3 1985-03-01  1985     3   3.31  3.33
#>  4 1985-04-01  1985     4   3.21  3.24
#>  5 1985-05-01  1985     5   3.17  3.2 
#>  6 1985-06-01  1985     6   3.11  3.13
#>  7 1985-07-01  1985     7   2.99  3.01
#>  8 1985-08-01  1985     8   2.98  2.99
#>  9 1985-09-01  1985     9   2.98  2.99
#> 10 1985-10-01  1985    10   2.99  3   
#> # ℹ 460 more rows
get_tc_spot("mensual", "fp")
#> # A tibble: 398 × 5
#>    fecha       year   mes compra venta
#>    <date>     <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 1991-01-01  1991     1   11.7  12  
#>  2 1991-02-01  1991     2   12.7  13  
#>  3 1991-03-01  1991     3   12.7  13  
#>  4 1991-04-01  1991     4   12.7  13  
#>  5 1991-05-01  1991     5   12.7  13  
#>  6 1991-06-01  1991     6   12.7  13  
#>  7 1991-07-01  1991     7   12.5  12.5
#>  8 1991-08-01  1991     8   12.5  12.5
#>  9 1991-09-01  1991     9   12.5  12.5
#> 10 1991-10-01  1991    10   12.5  12.5
#> # ℹ 388 more rows
get_tc_spot("trimestral", "average")
#> # A tibble: 156 × 5
#>    fecha       year trimestre compra venta
#>    <date>     <dbl>     <int>  <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 1992-01-01  1985         1   3.19  3.21
#>  2 1992-04-01  1985         2   3.16  3.19
#>  3 1992-07-01  1985         3   2.98  3.00
#>  4 1992-10-01  1985         4   2.98  2.99
#>  5 1993-01-01  1986         1   2.81  2.83
#>  6 1993-04-01  1986         2   2.82  2.83
#>  7 1993-07-01  1986         3   2.83  2.84
#>  8 1993-10-01  1986         4   3.02  3.03
#>  9 1994-01-01  1987         1   3.12  3.13
#> 10 1994-04-01  1987         2   3.42  3.44
#> # ℹ 146 more rows
get_tc_spot("trimestral", "fp")
#> # A tibble: 132 × 5
#>    fecha       year trimestre compra venta
#>    <date>     <dbl>     <int>  <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 1992-01-01  1991         1   12.7  13  
#>  2 1992-04-01  1991         2   12.7  13  
#>  3 1992-07-01  1991         3   12.5  12.5
#>  4 1992-10-01  1991         4   12.5  12.5
#>  5 1993-01-01  1992         1   12.5  12.5
#>  6 1993-04-01  1992         2   12.5  12.5
#>  7 1993-07-01  1992         3   12.5  12.5
#>  8 1993-10-01  1992         4   12.5  12.5
#>  9 1994-01-01  1993         1   12.5  12.5
#> 10 1994-04-01  1993         2   12.5  12.5
#> # ℹ 122 more rows