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Get the data series for the monthly Economic Activity Indicator of the Dominican Republic. It includes seasonal and non seasonal adjusted series, as well as monthly and year over year variations.


get_imae(variaciones = TRUE)



Boolean indicating if variations should be included or index only


a tibble


get_imae(variaciones = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 205 × 6
#>    fecha       year mes        indice_original indice_desestacionali…¹ indice_tc
#>    <date>     <dbl> <chr>                <dbl>                   <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 2007-01-01  2007 Enero                 94.0                    95.7      96.5
#>  2 2007-02-01  2007 Febrero               96.9                    97.2      96.7
#>  3 2007-03-01  2007 Marzo                101.                     98.1      97.3
#>  4 2007-04-01  2007 Abril                 95.7                    92.1      97.9
#>  5 2007-05-01  2007 Mayo                 103.                    102.       98.7
#>  6 2007-06-01  2007 Junio                 98.0                    98.4      99.7
#>  7 2007-07-01  2007 Julio                101.                    100.      101. 
#>  8 2007-08-01  2007 Agosto               102.                    104.      102. 
#>  9 2007-09-01  2007 Septiembre            97.7                   104.      103. 
#> 10 2007-10-01  2007 Octubre              103.                    103.      103. 
#> # ℹ 195 more rows
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​indice_desestacionalizado